How Do I Choose the Best Vintage Clothing Patterns?

To choose the best vintage clothing patterns, you should typically consider both the time from which you want clothing and the location. If you are interested in Victorian clothing, for example, then you should look for patterns for clothes from that era, because Civil War era clothes are quite different. Once you know the time frame from which you want a pattern, then you can consider locations, as clothing from the 1700s in England was quite different from clothing in the 1700s from Japan. You should also keep in mind whether you want vintage clothing patterns for men or women, and the types of materials you may need to create such patterns.

Vintage clothing patterns are typically design patterns used to create garments in a style from the past. One of the first things you should consider when looking for such patterns is the era in which the clothing you want was popular. If you are looking for vintage clothing patterns from the 1900s, then you can typically search for patterns based on a particular decade. This is because clothing trends were evolving and changing at a very fast rate during the 20th century.

For older vintage clothing patterns, however, you should consider particular centuries or eras in which you are interested. While you may be able to find patterns from the Renaissance period in Europe, it is likely to be much harder to find a pattern for clothing from a specific decade. Prior to the creation of mass production methods for clothing, trends often lasted for a longer time, at least with regard to general designs and patterns you are likely to find.

You should also consider the location from which you wish to find vintage clothing patterns. Even a general location such as “Europe” can be insufficient with regard to clothing from the past. Many countries and regions had fairly specific garments and styles of clothing that were not shared in neighboring regions. You should look for vintage clothing patterns from specific countries, such as Germany, France, England, or Japan.

As you look at different vintage clothing patterns, you should keep in mind the gender of the person for whom the clothing is intended. You can often search catalogs based on either male or female patterns, which can make finding the right pattern faster and easier. Some patterns may also require particular fabrics or other materials to properly create. If you are looking for a pattern for a corset, for example, then you should look for a pattern with additional information you may need on materials to re-create a vintage look and style.