What Are the Best Tips for Learning to Sew?

There are several ways to learn to sew. Individuals who are learning to sew can read books or watch videos. Sewing classes and sewing groups are two other options. An individual can also learn to sew from an experienced family member or friend. When learning to sew, it is also very important to practice.

Before learning to sew, an individual should decide whether she wants to sew by hand or use a sewing machine. Hand sewing is usually a little more time consuming, and may be a little more difficult for some. Machine sewing, on the other hand, is quicker, and it is usually a little easier.

Books can be useful when learning to sew. Some books teach readers how to sew by hand, while others teach readers how to sew with a sewing machine. These can be purchased from a book store or a craft store. Local libraries also usually have a decent selection of sewing books.

Some individuals may learn a new hobby better if they see it done, instead of just reading about it. Sewing videos are also available. Learning how to sew while watching a sewing video often allows a person to see the techniques done and learn at her own pace. Videos can be paused and backed up in case a point was not clear.

Sewing classes generally are available in many areas. Local community colleges and art schools may offer these, for instance. Fabric stores and craft stores may also offer sewing classes. Classes for students at varying levels are usually offered, including beginner’s sewing classes. These classes can help teach novices the basics of sewing.

There may also be sewing groups in some areas. These groups often gather once a week or once a month to sew together and share projects. Some groups may even work on one large project, such as a quilt, together. Those who are just learning to sew are usually welcomed into sewing groups. More experienced members are typically happy to help beginners.

Family members and friends may also be willing to help a person learn to sew. This may be a good option for people who need one-on-one lessons, but are uncomfortable around strangers. These private sewing lessons will also usually cost nothing.

Practicing is very important when learning to sew. Certain stitches can be practiced on pieces of scrap fabric at first. Simple sewing projects can also be done to gain more experience. Projects can be found in books, at craft stores, and online.