How Do I Mosaic Planters?

Mosaic planters can be made in a multitude of sizes, styles and colors. Tiles and findings can be selected to match nearly any decor or theme, and applying the tiles to the planter is a straight-forward process: the tiles are selected and a pattern is created. Glue is used to attach the tiles to the planter, and then the planter is covered in grout and then coated with a protective sealer.

There are a variety of materials needed to create mosaic planters, and it is best to have gathered all supplies before beginning the project. In addition to the planter itself, mosaic tiles or findings are needed, along with glue and grout. A container to mix the grout in is also needed, along with a drop cloth to catch drips and spills and stirring tools. A bucket of water, sponges and plenty of clean towels are also helpful.

When making mosaic planters, it is critical that the planter is clean and dry before applying the mosaics. If desired, the inside and top edge of the mosaic planters can be painted in a color that will be complementary or contrasting to the mosaic tile colors. These locations will often be visible after the mosaics are applied and before a plant is placed in the pot. If the mosaic planter is going to be purely decorative rather than functional, painting the inside of the pot helps perpetuate a more finished appearance. After painting the planter,it should be allowed to dry thoroughly before continuing.

Mosaic tiles, glass marbles and other findings should be selected and trimmed to the appropriate size and shape. It is important to consider the height of the pieces once they are applied to the planter, as uneven heights on some tiles can leave exposed, jagged edges. The exception to this, however, can be smooth findings, marbles or half-round glass pieces. These can be used to add depth to the mosaic design without having jagged edges showing.

Before being glued to the pot, mosaic pieces and findings should be test fit by being arranged in the pattern in which they are going to be applied to the pot. Once the pattern has been determined, the pieces can be glued in place on the pot. It is often easiest to glue one side of the pot at a time, allowing each side to dry before proceeding to the next side. Care should be taken to keep glue off of the top of the mosaic pieces.

After all the pieces are in place, grout can be applied to fill the gaps around the mosaic edges. The grout should be mixed per the manufacturer’s directions. Typically grout is mixed with water. Grout is available in white, black and a wide range of colors. The grout should be applied liberally to the mosaic planter, and smoothed using a wet sponge. Mild pressure should be applied to fill the gaps between the pieces with grout.

The grout is typically cleaned off the surface of the tiles with a wet sponge, allowing only the grout in the grooves between the pieces to remain. Grout usually needs one or two days of drying time before the planter should be used. If desired, mosaic planters can be coated with a grout sealant, which helps to keep liquid and dirt from discoloring the grout.