What Are the Best Tips for Designing Mosaic Flooring?

When designing mosaic flooring, consideration should be given to the size of the room, the color scheme throughout the house, and materials used to create the mosaic. One tip involves sketching the pattern onto paper to get an idea of how the finished floor might appear. Computer software might help when designing mosaic flooring because it allows the designer make numerous changes to attain the desired effect. For those who lack creativity, a photo of an appealing look can be traced and used as a pattern.

Mosaic floors might take on a classical look with hexagon patterns popular in arts and crafts style décor. These designs might consist of tiles in a single color or interspersed with a small pattern in a contrasting, complimentary color. Hexagon tiles make popular choices when designing mosaic flooring for a small room, such as a bathroom, because they commonly conform to the scale of the room.

Larger patterns and dark colors typically make a room appear smaller. Lighter shades and smaller patterns give an illusion of space. A pattern with multiple colors or intricately placed tiles might spice up a room, but create a feeling of business, while simple designs usually impart a peaceful and calming effect. These factors should be considered when creating a mosaic flooring design to ensure the finished project appeals to the taste of the homeowner.

Sketching the entire design onto the floor surface before setting tiles allows a person to visualize how the overall pattern might look. This technique might also serve as a guide when gluing individual, small tiles onto the floor. Tiles might also be placed onto the floor without adhesive and moved around to create a pleasing design. Allowing room for grout represents an important part of this stage of designing mosaic flooring.

The designer should also consider whether the mosaic is inside or outside, where it is exposed to weather, and the extent of use in the area. Smaller shards of tile or glass are preferable in areas with heavy traffic because they allow more even distribution of weight without breaking. The type of material used in outdoor mosaic floors should hold up well in all weather conditions without fading or cracking. Some tile surfaces might become slippery when wet, making them unsuitable around a pool.

Materials chosen for mosaic flooring might consist of small pebbles or rocks, flagstones, or sea shells, especially in outdoor areas. Indoor flooring typically consists of ceramic tile or glass pieces. Mosaic flooring might cover an entire room or be created as a rug or border.