How do I Make a Fruit Gift Basket?

A fruit gift basket can be a wonderful present at any time of year. Yet they may be particularly appreciated during months when fresh fruit is hard to find. Making a fruit gift basket can be either elaborate or very simple, and people are only limited by their imaginations and the fruits they can find available.

The first considerations when creating a fruit gift basket are size of basket and amount of fruit. It’s better to overfill a smaller basket than it is to use a huge basket that will make any fruit gifts look spare and paltry. Baskets can be found in many locations; import stores like Pier One and Cost Plus are good places to look. Don’t neglect crafts stores where there may be baskets in plenty of sizes.

Some consideration should be given to number of people in the household that will receive the fruit basket. A larger family should get a larger basket, but a small family, a single person or a couple, might end up with more fruit than they can eat. Consider having two to three pieces of fruit per person as a good measure when putting together a fruit basket.

It’s a good idea to plan to include fruit that is relatively durable. Apples and pears for instance have made companies like Harry and David’s household names. Choose fruit without markings or bruises, and for pears, err on the side of less ripe varieties. These will ripen as they sit, but if they’re already extremely ripe, they may get mushy and be unappetizing. Other fruits that bear up well in transport can include things like lush pineapples, which can bring a taste of the tropics at any time of year. Consider a few unusual fruits too, like melons, papayas, or a basket of fresh berries.

The fruit gift basket doesn’t just have to include fresh fruit. People can create themes by adding cheese and crackers, delicious fruity wines (like port or Beaujolais Nouveau), and these baskets can include dried fruit or baked goods that feature fruit. Adding cranberry or banana bread to a few delicious fruits is sure to appreciated, as is a combination of things like apples and sharp cheddar cheese. Beautiful dried fruits like dates, pineapples, and apricots can significantly add to flavors offered in the basket, and don’t forget preserved fruit or jams and jellies are a great complement too. Simple mixes to make scones, biscuits, waffles, or muffins can make quick work of any fruit, and can be topped with featured preserves or jams too.

Another great addition to the fruit gift basket is nuts. Choose mixed nuts, lightly roasted almonds, whole pecans, walnuts or a variety of others. Work on providing different textures, tastes, and flavors to appeal to a whole group, as a way of making sure a fruit gift basket is most enjoyed.