How do I Learn Plumbing Repair?

There are many ways to learn plumbing repair, depending on what and how much you want to learn. Are you interested in working as a professional plumber? Are you a homeowner hoping to save money by doing some repairs yourself? Are you a renter who just wants to know how to unclog a toilet? No matter the level of expertise you wish to acquire, there are many resources that can help you learn plumbing repair.

There is a lot of information about plumbing repair on the internet. Searching “plumbing repair” on an internet search engine will result in a list of many sites devoted to performing common plumbing repairs, such as unclogging a toilet, or fixing a leaky faucet. Often, these websites explain how plumbing systems work before explaining how to perform actual repairs. Many contain diagrams and videos of plumbing repairs, which are especially helpful for those who are new to plumbing terminology and tools.

The same on-line search will also likely result in a list of licensed plumbers in your area, in case your repair does not proceed as planned. In addition, you are likely to encounter advertisements for on-line vocational plumbing certificate programs.

Books are another good source for learning plumbing repair. There are many excellent books on plumbing repairs for all levels of expertise. Many of these books can be found at your local library. While you may be able to find much of this information on-line these days, the huge advantage of a book about plumbing repair is that you can easily take it into the room where you are doing the repair. It is very helpful to have the diagrams and procedure in front of you while you are working. Also, books dry out if they get wet, but computers do not.

If you prefer to learn from other people, a local home improvement store can be a valuable resource. Hardware store employees are often happy to share their expertise and may have special training in plumbing repair. Ask around or search the internet to find reviews of stores known for having knowledgeable and helpful employees.

If you want to learn plumbing repair as a commercial trade, there are several things you can do. The first place to go is to your local community college, which will likely offer several courses on plumbing repair at a low cost. Community colleges often have information about apprenticeship programs. You will also want to contact labor unions such as the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters. Unions often have their own training programs and are a good source of information about their industries.