What is Boucle Yarn?

Boucle yarn is a specialized type of yarn that is usually made of three plies. Among the three plies used to create this yarn, one thread is usually looser than the others. The looser thread causes the yarn to have a rough feeling and a bulky look. This also makes it more likely to unravel than some other types of yarn. Therefore, care must be taken when working with boucle yarn in order to ensure a proper look and high quality of the final product.

Since boucle yarn is crated by combining several plies of thread together, it is generally a colorful yarn. Often, two or more colors are mixed together in a unique pattern. In this way, it only takes one spool of yarn to create a multi-colored project when using this yarn.

The term boucle is derived from the French word boucler, which means “to curl.” This term perfectly describes some variations of boucle yarn, which contain distinctive ringlet curls. This characteristic makes this material a great choice for creating projects such as scarves, handbags, sweaters, tops, and ponchos. Alternatively, it can make a delightful accent when used along with a plain background.

When used in weaving, boucle yarn provides added strength and is great for both warp and weft. It can be used to create a woven blanket, overcoat, shawl, or even upholstery. When mohair boucle blends are brushed, they look like plain mohair. This is because the mohair in yarn makes it possible for the characteristic ringlets to form, while the wool helps soften the yarn and provide it with a certain amount of springiness. As a result, mohair-blend boucle does not have the sticky feeling commonly associated with pure mohair yarns.

Products created with boucle yarn often need to be hand washed or dry cleaned in order to prevent them from becoming damaged. To prevent shrinkage, any boucle products should be laid flat to dry.