What are Some Crafts for Teens?

There are numerous craft projects for teens. Whether they’re found through online sources, books, or are traditionally handed down, crafts for teens are a great way to encourage creativity. Depending on the individual teenager, these teen crafts can be as easy or as difficult as is necessary. All crafts for teenagers, however, should be age-appropriate.

Different teens have different tastes and interests. Therefore, teen craft ideas will vary. When choosing appropriate projects or crafts for teens, try to consider their hobbies and talents. Parents should also take into consideration the fact that some crafts for teens are specifically tailored to boys or girls.

For instance, teenage boys might enjoy designing their own colorful wallets using various colors of duct tape. Patterns for these do-it-yourself teen craft projects can easily be found online. Boys may also enjoy crafts that are centered around a specific sport or activity, such as hunting. For example, teenage boys could be given instructions for creating their own bows for hunting or archery.

Girls, on the other hand, might prefer making their own flavored lip gloss using Kool-aid. Simply mix the desired flavor of Kool-aid with some melted petroleum jelly and place in small containers with lids. Many teenage girls enjoy cooking projects as well. In addition, girls may be more likely to enjoy knitting or sewing projects, although boys can enjoy these things too! There are literally thousands of sewing crafts for teens available both online and off.

Nowadays, nearly everyone has access to computers and digital cameras. Most teens, both male and female, enjoy taking pictures and storing photos. With this in mind, there are a number of crafts for teens that can be created using pictures. One of the most popular includes scrapbooking. Scrapbooks can be centered around a theme, such as sports or special events, and catered to suit either girls or boys.

Photo crafts for teens can also include making picture frames, posters, collages, and magnets. In addition to photos, teens typically enjoy the opportunity to make a statement with their clothing. Allow them to create interesting designs on old clothes or shoes with fabric paint. Likewise, they might enjoy adding pieces of fabric and other embellishments onto their jeans or t-shirts. Tie-dye shirts are another popular teen craft project that never seems to go out of style.

Teenagers thrive on privacy, so why not let them create their own secret hideaway for journals, notes, money, and other mementos? Simply have them glue small wooden strips onto the inside of a drawer or box. Add a thin, fitted piece of plywood or sturdy cardboard on top. Conceal with clothing, books, etc. Now they have their own dummy drawer for personal effects.

Ideas for projects and crafts for teens are as varied as one’s imagination. With a little research or creativity, the possibilities are endless.