What are the Different Inversion Table Benefits?

An inversion table can be a vital piece of equipment for back pain sufferers. Inversion table benefits include pain relief as well as injury prevention, but the tables also have other benefits as well. Spending time on an inversion table can improve circulation throughout the body and can even help improve posture, as well as relieving stress for some individuals. Inversion table benefits come with some risks, too, so one should consult a doctor or professional trainer before attempting to use this or any inversion equipment.

As gravity pulls the body downward throughout the day, the spine compresses, which can cause pain in the back and legs. Muscles around the spine can become strained as a result, further impacting the health of the spine. By taking advantage of inversion table benefits, one can help spread his or her vertebrae apart, allowing for better circulation and less stress on the muscles that support the spine. While inverted, the muscles in the back and legs stretch out, meaning they become more limber and less likely to become injured. Inversion table benefits can be taken advantage of after a workout since the muscles are already warm from use and ready to be effectively stretched.

Improved circulation is yet another of the inversion table benefits a user can look forward to if the table is used regularly. Regular use encourages blood flow to the brain, which can increase oxygen delivery and mental performance. Such blood flow can also help alleviate stress after a long day at work. Inversion may also be effective in combating chronic fatigue for some sufferers. One should be careful, however, as increased blood flow to the head can cause dizziness or blackouts. People with high blood pressure should consult a doctor before using any inversion equipment.

Inversion table benefits are not limited to the back. Inverting the body can relieve pain in the neck and shoulders, which is often caused by stress and fatigue. The legs are stretched as well, making the user more limber, flexible, and balanced. While on an inversion table, the user can perform simple exercises that can help build muscle and tone, or simply stimulate blood flow. Inversion means exercises can be completed using natural resistance caused by gravity; no other special equipment is necessary. If exercise is not what the user is looking for, they can simply hang and allow the body to relax and meditate.