What is a Glutathione Injection?

A glutathione injection is an injection, generally given intravenously, of the polypeptide called glutathione, which is made up of important amino acids. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that occurs naturally in the body. It is integral in ridding the body of harmful substances known as free radicals, boosting the immune system, aiding in detoxification and building and repairing tissue. These properties make glutathione an effective treatment for a wide array of medical disorders. In many cases, the preferred form of administration is injection.

There are several diseases that can be treated with a glutathione injection. For instance, doctors often use intravenous glutathione therapy to treat Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative neurological diseases. This is because damage by free radicals has been determined to be one of the fundamental causes of these types of diseases and glutathione is known as an extraordinarily powerful antioxidant that efficiently eliminates free radicals from the body.

Intravenous glutathione treatments have also been shown as an effective therapeutic option for those suffering from long-term kidney disease. In many cases, those suffering from kidney failure or those on kidney dialysis can suffer from a decrease in their natural glutathione levels. This leaves them more susceptible to the harmful effects of free radicals. To prevent these ill effects, a glutathione injection can be administered regularly.

Another medical condition that may be helped by intravenous glutathione treatments is atherosclerosis, which refers to the hardening of the arteries. It has generally been agreed upon that this condition can be aggravated by the presence of free radicals. Acting in its capacity as a powerful antioxidant, glutathione removes these free radicals and provides an efficient treatment option for patients with atherosclerosis.

Despite the benefits of receiving a glutathione injection, there is an array of possible side effects that should be considered prior to treatment. The occurrence of most of the possible side effects is rare, and the risk of developing one of these complications is generally compounded by the presence of other conditions. For instance, people with high selenium levels, a trace mineral, that are injected with glutathione are susceptible to losing feeling in their hands and feet and losing large amounts of hair. Also, prolonged use of glutathione injections may have a neurological impact and lead to depression, anxiety or tremors.

In addition to the possible side effects there can be other complications that arise when the injection is administered repeatedly over an extended period of time. It has been shown that chronic intravenous treatment can result in the development of increased tolerance to glutathione. Therefore, while glutathione is potentially beneficial, there are some drawbacks to be considered.