How Do I Choose the Best Triathlon Trainer?

A triathlon trainer is not like any piece of exercise equipment. Trainers are people, and like finding friends, coworkers, or even spouses, there are certain dynamics that work, while others do not. Finding the right relationship is the first step in obtaining your ideal triathlon trainer; the other half, of course, is locating one that knows what he or she is doing.

Triathlons are serious endeavors, and although they exist in different degrees of difficulty, all are physically strenuous and potentially dangerous. Not only are trainers important for achieving maximum performance, but they are also responsible for keeping their students safe. The best trainers can blend these two philosophies to push their students to perform while keeping them healthy.

It’s not only novices who need trainers as the most elite triathlon competitors in the world heavily rely on trainers to keep them at their best. The typical duties of a triathlon trainer include regulating exercises, assessing strengths and weaknesses, developing race strategies, and planning diets. It is obvious that this job requires a broad range of knowledge and a skill set that penetrates many fields. Finding the right trainer is as important as the work itself, largely because misguided work may do no good.

The personal relationship between your triathlon trainer and yourself is where the search needs to begin. You need to find a trainer you are comfortable around as you will likely be spending a significant amount of time with him or her. This comfort should also be accompanied by stress to improve — a trainer that is too laissez-faire in philosophy will cause you to underperform and never fully reach your potential.

There is a fine line between pushing the limits and putting your body to work. Your triathlon trainer should have a track record of success along with a dedication to a responsible attitude toward health. Try training for one or two sessions with coaches and trainers of different attitudes and personalities. This will enable you to gauge which type of person you interact and perform best with.

Training for a triathlon is not only a phase but a commitment to a rigorously intense and healthy lifestyle that culminates in a full day of exercise. By blending swimming, running, and cycling, triathlons expect physical perfection from all of its participants. In order to best prepare for this epic journey of physical prowess, be sure to wisely select your triathlon trainer. It may seem like a lot of work, but it will save you hassle and energy while making you a better athlete along the way.