What is Enzogenol?

Enzogenol is a natural antioxidant that contains a combination of flavonoids and organic acids that also helps to protect other vitamins in the body. Enzogenol originates from New Zealand and is extracted from the bark of the Pinus Radiata tree. The antioxidant is said to provide many benefits, including protecting the immune system and joints and helping to slow down the natural aging process. It also supports healthy eyes and muscle tissue, and it provides protection against oxidative stress, which may be especially helpful for athletes.

One of the most significant benefits of enzogenol is the protection it offers against free radical damage. Free radicals are neutralized by antioxidants and may therefore be responsible for the reduction of the aging process. Popular antioxidants include vitamin C and vitamin E. Antioxidants may also help protect individuals from heart disease.

Enzogenol may also be very beneficial to smokers. It provides protection against the damage that smoking causes in the body, especially the risk of cardiovascular damage. Smoking causes a large amount of free radicals that may, in turn, result in other ailments. This supplement also may protect against blood clotting and strengthens the walls of arteries.

Supplement users may also take it in conjunction with a daily multivitamin. It is believed to work very well with vitamin C and may also extend its use in the body. Enzogenol may also be helpful for individuals that have high stress levels, as it helps to reduce the effects of an increase in blood pressure. It may also provide individuals with added energy during the day.

There are many multivitamin products that contain enzogenol, and it may also be taken separately in capsule form. The recommended dosage for adults is two to four capsules daily. For children under 12 years, it is recommended to take one capsule two times per day. Children under the age of 6 years may take one capsule per day. It is also advised to take enzogenol with meals for better absorption.

No severe negative side effects have been reported for enzogenol, and it is also said to be safe for consumption by individuals of any age. This supplement has generally been well-researched by medical experts and has been proven to assist in many health issues. If one is unsure about the dosage needed, he should consult a physician prior to taking it.