What is Spring Forest Qigong?

Spring Forest Qigong is a type of energy work that is based on traditional Chinese medicine concepts. The easy-to-learn exercises can help people heal themselves and others. This type of qigong is not a religion, and can be practiced by believers of any faith or by atheists.

A Chinese man by the name of Chunyi Lin, who had immigrated to the U.S., developed Spring Forest Qigong. Master Lin was interested in healing as a child and teenager. As a young adult, he suffered injuries to his knees, and was helped by an advanced qigong master. Not only did qigong help with physical pain, it also helped alleviate depression. Master Lin found that many traditional types of qigong were difficult to learn, and he wanted the benefits of qigong to be available to everyone.

The form of qigong that Master Lin created focuses on healing the mind, body, and spirit. Many practitioners feel improvements in their well-being soon after starting their practice. Simple Spring Forest Qigong exercises and meditations to help practitioners learn to detect life force energy, break up stagnant and blocked energy, encourage energy to flow freely, and acquire healing energy from the universe.

Practitioners may use Spring Forest Qigong to treat themselves and others. Master Lin has developed treatment protocols for particular health concerns or disorders. Advanced practitioners may find they able to heal from a distance. Along with treating energy blockages in people, Spring Forest Qigong can be used to treat animals.

Spring Forest Qigong may be offered to clients by private practitioners. Practitioners of other healing modalities, such as massage therapists or acupuncturists, may find using Spring Forest Qigong in their practices provides added healing opportunities for their clients. It is also used to help patients in nursing homes and hospitals.

Traditional qigong and Tai Chi have been an important part of Chinese medicine, and research indicates they may offer health benefits. Research also indicates that Spring Forest Qigong may be helpful for several conditions, including chronic pain and depression.

People who are interested in learning Spring Forest Qigong have a number of training options. They may wish to check for local or regional community college or schools of qigong. If classes are not conveniently located, those interested may wish to order training self-study training materials. Practice groups that allow practitioners to enhance their skills are available in several nations, including Canada, the U.S., Spain, the Netherlands, and the U.K.