What Happens at Cycling Training Camps?

Participants in cycling training camps can expect to ride every day for a significant amount of time to gain “base miles,” or training miles that will condition the cyclist for racing or the upcoming bicycling season. Other activities during cycling training camps may include workshops on proper cycling techniques, seminars on proper nutrition or other facets of training, and rest days. Cycling training camps range in duration from one day to several weeks, and professional cyclists are likely to stay in camp for much longer durations than hobbyists or semi-pro racers.

Many cycling training camps will assign each rider a cycling buddy, or someone with whom that cyclist is to ride with throughout the duration of the cycling camp. This is done primarily for safety reasons, as accidents can happen during the camp and it is a wise decision to have someone nearby should such an accident occur. A cycling buddy can also act as helpful motivation for a cyclist, and buddies are usually paired off by ability level so the two partners are working toward similar goals. The buddies will, of course, participate in rides with other riders during cycling training camps, particularly if the camp is focusing on racing techniques, but the two cyclists are paired off for many cycling activities.

Professional cyclists and trainers are hired to run cycling training camps, and they will lend expertise to the camp participants to help each cyclist work toward personal goals. Common topics covered during cycling training camps include fitness conditioning, cycling techniques, proper diet, racing techniques, gear and maintenance, breathing techniques, and so on. One of the most important goals, however, is to ensure each cyclist is on the bicycle as much as possible, gaining as many miles in the saddle as possible to condition the body and prepare for racing, touring, or other cycling activities.

During rest days, participants may relax completely, or they may participate in other activities. Rest days are commonly filled with seminars on cycling-related topics, and the participants of the camp can often pick and choose which seminars he or she wants to attend. These seminars are a great way to learn new techniques, but they are also a valuable way to meet other cyclists at the camp. Some participants come from far away to attend the camps, so the rest days may be good opportunities to network within the cycling community at large.