What is Goji Juice?

The goji berry has been hailed of one of nature’s superfoods. The liquid extract from this superfruit, goji juice, is a popular health drink. Goji berry juice is known for its anti-aging and other healthful properties.

Also known as wolfberry juice, goji juice is largely accepted as a medicinal aid by homeopaths because of its antioxidant content. These antioxidants may be serve as remedies against inflammatory disease, neurological problems, cancer, heart disease, vision problems, and immune disorders. In traditional Chinese medicine, goji tea is used to combat bacteria, fungus, and other health issues.

Other goji juice benefits may also include better memory and a decrease, or overall cure, of instances of insomnia. Some people report a reversal of sexual dysfunction. Some pregnant women have found the juice to be helpful in alleviating morning sickness. Hepatitis B, obesity, and other problems have also been eased by drinking the juice. People who detox their bodies may use this juice to do so.

Lower cholesterol may be a benefit from drinking the juice. Hormonal regulation can also result from including goji products in the diet. This may result in a clearer complexion for some people. Some claim that it can also help regulate the metabolism and raise energy.

Nutritionally, goji berry fruit juice has many benefits. It contains 19 amino acids, eight of them considered essential amino acids. The berries are rich in trace minerals. 21 minerals, including selenium, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium, can be found in the fruit. Other nutrients the juice contains include vitamin E, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Goji juice also contains greater amounts of beta carotene and vitamin C by weight than carrots and oranges respectively.

Goji juice may not be safe for all people. At least two cases of severe bleeding are believed to have been caused by the fruit. People who take warfarin, or other anticoagulants, should consult with a physician before consuming goji berry products. Goji juice also contains a toxic alkaloid known as atropine. Its amount in the product, however, is typically well below the level considered toxic to humans.

In addition to juice, wolfberries are used in several other beverages. Herbal tea, wine, and beer may be made with the fruit. It is also used in an instant Chinese coffee drink. Goji berries themselves are used in many culinary endeavors as well. The fruit is grown in Tibet, China, and other parts of Asia.