How do I Choose the Best Pilates DVD?

Using a Pilates DVD is a great way to get a convenient and comprehensive workout without even leaving the privacy of home. With hundreds of different DVDs available, it may be difficult to determine which Pilates DVD is the right one. Research, fitness assessment, and trial and error can help narrow down choices in order to find the best Pilates DVD.

Before a buying a Pilates DVD, it is important to do an honest assessment of fitness level and familiarity with this type of exercise. For a person who has never experienced a Pilates workout and does not currently exercise, it may be wise to start with a DVD aimed at beginners. For those new to Pilates but used to working out, a DVD that contains modifiable workouts to increase or decrease ability may be the right way to find a personal level.

Some people get quickly bored performing the same workout routine over and over again. If that sounds familiar, try to find a DVD that includes several different workouts that can be alternated as desired. This will help stave away boredom while also ensuring a total body workout through the use of several routines. Consider also finding a DVD that contains not only Pilates but also dance or yoga moves, for additional variety.

Consider which supplies are needed and available when purchasing a Pilates DVD. While some workout require only a flat surface or exercise mat, others may use props such as stability balls, free weights, or resistance bands. Check the DVD case to see what tools or props are required, or read online review sites to see if users mention the need for exercise equipment with a particular DVD.

Consumer sites that have DVD reviews can be an excellent source of information when choosing a Pilates DVD. Rather than the glossy sales pitch of a DVD box, reviews let a person see how users have responded to the workout. Reviews can include information on problems with the DVD, such as poor audio quality, that may make using it a pain. People may also post about whether they saw increased fitness level and results with the program; while this information may be different for every person, it can help give a general sense of the effectiveness of the workout.

If price is an issue, consider purchasing a Pilates DVD at a store or website that sells used DVDs. Be sure to read descriptions about the condition of the disk before buying to avoid getting an unusable or badly scratched product. Buying used DVDs can cut the expense by a considerable amount, allowing a person on a budget to buy one or even several to try.