What is Seabuckthorn Oil?

The Seabuckthorn plant is a natural resource of China and Russia; seabuckthorn oil is extracted from the plant’s fruit and is a source of important nutrients, such as vitamins C and E, and is used in some herbal remedies, sometimes as a tea; as a natural dietary supplement, it also is known for improving mucus membranes in the gastrointestinal tract. The oil is used in skincare products to help reduce wrinkles, restore moisture to dry skin, and heal wounds, as well.

The seabuckthorn plant itself also is rich in nutrients and vitamins. Ancient legends sometimes mention that Greeks would feed seabuckthorn leaves to their racehorses as part of their diet. It maintained its reputation as mainly a traditional Asian and European medicinal treatment until the 20th century, when Russian immigrants brought seabuckthorn oil to America.

The oil’s use as an anti-aging ingredient is generally attributed to its essential fatty acids, including omega-3, -6 and -9. Other beneficial properties include phytosterols, tocopherols, and carotenes, all of which are typically considered important to maintain skin health. Many skincare products contain seabuckthorn oil to help prevent premature aging.

High-grade virgin olive oil and seabuckthorn berries are typically the two main ingredients of seabuckthorn oil. When it arrives on the market, it is usually completely natural, with no synthetic contaminants, artificial additives, or organic solvent residues. As a result, it can generally work well for people with sensitive or easily irritated skin.

In addition to skin treatment benefits, seabuckthorn oil is also sometimes used as an ingredient in dietary supplements. It contains nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, and E, bioactive compounds and flavanoids. As a result, it can be beneficial for its antioxidant properties, especially during cold and flu seasons.

This oil is often included in herbal remedies for other bodily ailments and disorders as well. For example, since seabuckthorn oil is a source of essential fatty acids, it is sometimes used to promote healthy arteries. Prostaglandin synthesis requires essential unsaturated fatty acids in order to regulate the water-salt balance in the body, as well as to regulate blood pressure. As a result, this oil is often thought to help slow the development of cardiac disorders and arteriosclerosis.

Some people like to make seabuckthorn oil at home, often from their own seabuckthorn plants. First, the berries are harvested, washed, and pressed to get rid of the juice. Remaining seeds, pulp, and skin can then be placed into a food processor and blended. The puree is sometimes mixed with olive oil or apricot oil, with two parts oil to three parts puree. After this, it is placed at room temperature in a dark place for three weeks with periodic mixing. In three weeks, a layer of oil should surface on the top of the puree. This oil is poured into a bottle, and stored in a dark place when not in use.