What is the Warrior Diet?

The Warrior Diet™ was created by Ori Hofmekler. As a former Israeli Defense Force member, he noted changes in eating habits that affected energy levels and mental focus. The Warrior diet™ was based on these experiences. Menus allow for very minimal eating during 20 hours of the day, with overeating allowed in the four remaining hours.

Warrior Diet™ methods include undereating and overeating. According to Hofmekler, human instinct revolves around survival. Under this plan, for the majority of daylight hours, simple foods like yogurt, raw fruits, and raw vegetables are allowed. At night, a larger meal should be consumed.

While calorie counting is not required on the Warrior Diet™, Hofmekler does include some suggestions for foods to avoid, and methods for cycling meals during the overeating periods. These guidelines include:

No processed foods.

Organic foods only.

Drink filtered water.

Minimize foods wrapped or bottled in plastic.

Consume alcohol in strict moderation.

Consume carbohydrates at the end of the overeating meal.

Cycle high-fat and high-carbohydrate overeating meals.

Exercise is a big part of the Warrior Diet™. Exercise routines, however, typically need to last only 20 to 45 minutes each. Entire body workouts are recommended to mimic the body fatigue felt by Roman soldiers carrying weighted packs and marching all day. Exercising while fatigued is strongly supported.

The Warrior Diet™ puts a lot of emphasis on eating foods that lower estrogen levels in the body. Non-organic foods, foods wrapped in plastic, and alcohol consumption are all believed to increase estrogen levels. Hofmekler claims estrogen is a main source of disease, but this is not supported by scientific research, or other members of the medical community.

As of 2007, no research studies had been completed supporting Warrior Diet™ methods. Skeptics typically believe lack of portion control and the ability to overeat could undermine weight loss efforts. Exercise plans are also strenuous and may be difficult for a person unfamiliar with exercise and fitness routines.

Cycles of undereating and overeating may be detrimental to some dieters. People who have suffered from eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia, may choose to skip overeating meals in order to lose more weight. Undereating may also lead to loss of muscle mass due to protein shortage.

Controlled fatigue training (CFT) is a key part of the Warrior Diet™. When body muscles are fatigued, “thrifty” genes kick in and help to improve overall body fitness. During CFT workouts, dieters typically work the body in short, quick bursts of activity.