What is CorePower Yoga?

CorePower Yoga is a type of yoga that combines strength training with the traditional spiritual elements of yoga. There are three programs that comprise CorePower Yoga — Core Power, Unlocking Athletic Power, and Soul Strength — and each platform is tailored to fit the fitness levels of the class participants. This type of power yoga is appropriate for both beginners and seasoned yogis and aims to integrate the body, mind, and spirit in one vigorous workout.

The Hindu practice of Ashtanga yoga is the foundation of CorePower Yoga. Ashtanga is an ancient Indian yoga designed to increase flexibility and energize the body and mind. Its spiritual aspects come from the Hindu tradition and are incorporated into the routines. CorePower Yoga emerged from this school, mostly in the West, and placed focus on the physical workout while keeping the spiritual element more generalized. The principle of both schools of yoga, however, remain the same: connecting the mind and body through the breath in order to increase flexibility and enhance health.

One of the primary goals of CorePower Yoga is the development of the body’s core strength. The core is what holds the body upright, supports posture and flexibility, and promotes healthy blood flow and good overall heath. This type of yoga is sometimes conducted in a heated studio that encourages detoxification through the sweat emitted during the workout, further enhancing the technique’s healthful benefits.

The Core Power program of CorePower Yoga offers the fundamentals of the practice. This entails a workout that reinforces the abdominal and back muscles through a rigorous yoga strength-training routine. Muscle tone is also addressed in this program, and yogis are led through moves which tighten and tone various muscle systems throughout the body.

In Unlocking Athletic Power, CorePower Yoga concentrates on flexibility. Those taking this class will typically be taught poses that challenge the body’s litheness, especially the abdominal region, back, hips, and pelvis. Like all CorePower Yoga programs, this phase is intensive and seeks to unlock both the body’s potential and the power of the mind to expand and embrace the new sensations.

Soul Strength classes move at a quicker pace than the other two programs. These classes fall under the category of “power yoga,” which means they are intense workouts conducted at a fast speed. They also focus more heavily on the spiritual element of the practice, challenging yogis to stay open, receptive, and aware of the quick and ever-changing experiences of CorePower Yoga.