What is Juglans Regia?

Juglans regia is known as the common walnut tree. An ornamental tree, it can be grown for shade or wood. Many people like to keep walnut trees to use their nuts in culinary preparations or as snacks. The tree is also considered a potent herbal remedy.

Extract from the walnut may be instrumental in reducing the risk factor or delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Studies indicate that walnuts may help combat type-one diabetes. Walnuts eaten after a meal may also help reduce the effects of saturated fats on the body.

Containing both diuretic and stimulative properties, the seeds can be used internally to treat a variety of conditions. These include constipation, leg weakness, back pain, chronic cough, urinary tract stones, and asthma. As an eczema and dermatitis remedy, the seeds may be ground into a paste and applied as a poultice.

The anti-inflammatory qualities of the leaves of the juglans regia make them a remedy for treating general pain. Broth made from the tree can be used to treat vertigo and other ailments, while essential oil from the tree can help with dry skin and menstrual problems. Bark from the tree may be used as both an astringent and a detergent.

Seeds from the juglans regia bear a thin shell, and a rich, nutty flavor. They are considered good sources of fiber, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. They can be eaten raw, pressed for oil, or frozen for future use. Larger nuts, which typically feature thinner shells, are in high demand. Daily intake of walnuts may be helpful in combating heart disease.

Wood from the juglans regia is considered a fine quality. It has been used in both furniture making, as well as the manufacture of gunstocks. Fruit from the tree may also be boiled to create a dark brown walnut ink or wood stain. Many other household items, from soaps to dyes, may be made from the walnut tree as well.

Walnut trees grow up to 82 to 115 feet (25 to 35 meters) in height, with a trunk diameter of up to 6.5 feet (2 meters). As saplings, they feature smooth, olive-colored bark. Older trees develop a silvery-gray color. The tree’s leaves are arranged in alternate patterns. Junglans regia are lightly demanding trees, thriving in full sun, and ripening in the fall.

Native to the mountains of Central Asia, the walnut tree can also be found in Nepal, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Tibet, Armenia, India, Afghanistan, Georgia, Iran, Turkey, and Turkmenistan. The largest groupings of walnut trees exist in Kyrgyzstan; forests made up of purely walnut trees are in the country. As a crop, juglans regia is largely cultivated in Greece, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Europe, California, Chile, and China.