What is an Ab Roller?

An Ab Roller is a piece of exercise equipment that targets the abdominal muscles. It is made out of curved metal bars that have padded areas which serve as headrests and armrests. The machine is intended to assist people who are trying to lose weight and tone their waistlines by helping them to do effective sit-ups and crunches.

In order to use an Ab Roller, one must lie down on the floor with the head and arms positioned to rest against the appropriate cushions. While gripping the metal bar that arches above the head and shoulders, begin repetitions of sit-ups using the abdominal muscles. One of the benefits of using an Ab Roller or a similar device is that the device helps to avoid unnecessary strain and injury to the neck and shoulder muscles.

There are a number of variations on the basic exercise for which the Ab Roller is intended. Most of the variations have to do with the positioning of the legs. The traditional position is with the knees bent and the feet press firmly against the floor. One can also do sit-ups and crunches while holding the legs straight up in the air.

In order to target specific muscles, one may also let both knees fall to one side before beginning a repetition. The same exercise can then be performed with the knees on the other side. For a rigorous exercise that will require a good deal of abdominal strength, the legs can be held out straight at a ninety degree angle. This is generally considered to be one of the hardest variations of this kind of exercise.

All of the exercise variations described above can be performed while using an Ab Roller as well as other pieces of equipment made by the same company. In addition to the Ab Roller, there is also the Ab Toner, and the Ab Trainer. These products are geared to different levels of fitness and exercise intensity. They are also priced to meet different budgets.

While using an Ab Roller at home may be a good way to lose weight and tone the waistline, most gyms already have this equipment on hand for members to use. Furthermore, it is common for gyms to purchase the highest-quality version of the product because it will get such frequent use. In order to learn more about this product, ask a trainer or watch the videos on the company’s website.