What Is Involved in the Dukan Diet Phase 2?

The Dukan diet phase 2, otherwise known as the cruise stage, is the second of four stages in a diet created by doctor and nutritionist Pierre Dukan. This phase of the Dukan diet transitions a person from only eating protein to incorporating a select few vegetables into his or her diet on a rotating schedule. In addition to the vegetables and protein, a person also consumes a fair amount of water, small quantities of oat bran, and avoids several other foods. Generally, the Dukan diet phase 2 lasts until a person reaches his or her goal weight.

Unlike the first stage of the Dukan diet in which one can only eat protein without any sugar or carbohydrates, the Dukan diet phase 2 allows for the consumption of vegetables, which are a source of some carbohydrates as well as a fair amount of fiber. This includes most salad vegetables, such as lettuce, cucumbers, and peppers, as well as asparagus, mushrooms, and several types of greens. The vegetables are also only consumed every other day; on one day, a person will eat all protein, and, on the next day, he or she will eat a large quantity of protein with some vegetables.

To help keep the body hydrated and reduce the occurrence of dry mouth, which is common among those who eat a very high-protein diet, consuming a certain amount of water is important. This helps to keep the body hydrated as well as to reduce the chances that a person will experience constipation. Water consumption during the second stage of this diet is the same as the other three stages: 6 cups (1.5 liters) to 8 cups (2 liters) of water per day.

During this phase, as with the other phases of this French diet, a person also consumes a small amount of oat bran. This is a dense, complex source of carbohydrates that is believed to aid the body in processing the large amounts of protein consumed. Generally, a person eats 2 tablespoons (11.75 grams) of oat bran a day during the Dukan diet phase 2.

There are several foods that are not allowed during the Dukan diet phase 2, namely those that contain carbohydrates other than vegetables. Fruits, full-fat dairy, and grains are all off-limits, although fat-free dairy is considered okay in small quantities. This includes foods such as rice, pasta, and bread and other baked goods, as well as any condiments that contain carbohydrates. Sugar is also not allowed during phase 2.

Generally, the Dukan diet phase 2 lasts until a person reaches his or her goal weight. The diet plan estimates that a person will lose about 2 pounds (1 kilogram) per week if the diet is followed exactly and enough water is consumed. At the end of phase 2, the consolidation phase is entered, in which a person slowly begins to incorporate foods otherwise not allowed in the first two stages to maintain his or her weight.