What is the Fluidity Bar?

The Fluidity bar is a unique home exercise device that is similar to a ballet bar. It is a freestanding piece of exercise equipment that can be folded flat for easy storage. It consists of a wooden ballet barre whose height can be adjusted between 26 inches (66.0 cm) to 39 inches (99.0 cm).

The bar is suspended on a sturdy V-shaped metal frame with rubber coated feet, which stabilize the unit without damaging the floor underneath. You can use it to perform traditional ballet stretches and exercises, but the attached floor mat also allows you to do other strength training exercises, such as pull-ups. The Fluidity bar has a patented design, and it is available online from Fluidity Fitness, LLC for around $240 US Dollars (USD).

It is widely known that ballet is an excellent all-around exercise for strengthening and toning the muscles. Ballet uses a wide range of full-body motions to promote muscle strength and balance, using the dancer’s own body weight as resistance. Who hasn’t admired a dancer’s lean, fit frame, beautiful posture and graceful movements? Dancers achieve this exceptional fitness by practicing basic ballet stretches and exercises, usually at a ballet barre anchored to the wall at a dance studio.

The Fluidity bar allows you to perform these exercises at home, anytime, without the hassle of installing a barre in your home. The instructional DVD that comes with the Fluidity bar takes you through basic exercises, at levels suited for beginner, intermediate, or advanced levels of training. This provides a challenging and effective workout by targeting and strengthening your weaker muscles, while at the same time toning and lengthening the stronger ones.

For additional strength training, the Fluidity bar can be used for balance and leverage while performing a wide variety of resistance movements with resistance bands. Fluidity Fitness also offers a workout ball and DVD program to accompany the bar. As with any exercise program, you should always consult with your doctor and begin slowly to prevent injuries.

When you have completed your workout, the Fluidity bar folds down to a flat square measuring 43 inches (109.22 cm) by 33 inches (83.82 cm) by 4 inches (10.16 cm). The slim profile fits easily under a bed or in a closet when not in use. The unit weighs 55 pounds (24.95 kg) but has attached wheels for easy transport.