What are Some Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Children?

A healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day. It can help to wake up, refresh, and get a child ready for the day. Studies have proven that a good breakfast, full of healthy choices, can help a child perform better at school. A healthy breakfast can also help to combat child obesity, as people who eat a full breakfast tend to consume fewer calories during the rest of the day.

There are many healthy breakfast ideas for kids. A healthy breakfast contains selections from multiple food groups. Whole grain toast, a fruit, and a bowl of vitamin-rich cereal is one option. Eggs, especially omelets with cheese and vegetables, are another.

One of the best healthy breakfast ideas is homemade oatmeal. This is not the flavored stuff in the packets. Real oatmeal contains nutrients, helps prevent cancer, and is full of fiber. Oatmeal can be flavored in any number of ways, with peanut butter, fruit, or anything else your children might enjoy. Apple and cinnamon and maple with brown sugar are two popular choices that are easy to make.

A fresh fruit salad, served with milk and toast, is a great healthy breakfast idea for children who want something a little sweeter. Cut-up apples, pears, pineapple, strawberries, bananas and grapes provide a great breakfast option. For a sweeter touch, mix in a little honey. Yogurt can be mixed in, or served on the side.

For more original healthy breakfast ideas, try a breakfast taco or quesadilla. Filled with eggs, cheese, sausage, and vegetables, these breakfast options are fun for kids. Served with fruit, peanut butter toast, and a glass of milk, it is part of a complete breakfast. Another fun idea is to serve a banana, smothered with peanut butter, in a whole wheat bun. Sprinkle on some raisins, and serve with milk.

There are many healthy options for breakfasts on the go. Fresh fruit is a great idea. So is a yogurt cup or tube. Cheese cubes are another option. Trail mix or whole grain muffins are some other healthy breakfast ideas for kids.

Healthy breakfast ideas for kids are easy to find. Make the food interesting, such as the breakfast taco or personalized oatmeal, and kids won’t even notice that they are eating healthy food. Eating a healthy breakfast is essential for growing bodies. Starting the morning right can be the first step to a great day.