What Are the Best Tips for Doing Morning Exercise?

For some, life is so hectic that finding time to exercise can be a chore. This is why so many people have started doing morning exercise routines, scheduling workouts before the day truly begins and becomes too busy and demanding. Those who decide to do a workout in the morning should do as much preparation as possible the night before, from setting out workout clothes, to deciding on the type of workout it will be and preparing accordingly. Creating pre-workout and post-workout routines, and following those routines every day will turn doing a morning exercise routine into an ingrained habit.

One mistake many people make is not preparing for a morning workout. While it doesn’t seem like it would make much difference, the less someone has to do in the time between getting out of bed and doing his morning exercise routine, the more likely he is to stick to doing morning workouts every day. At night, pull out and set aside the necessary workout gear so it will be close to hand and ready to put on. If working out to a workout on DVD, pop the DVD into the DVD player before going to bed. Someone who goes for morning runs should have his shoes and socks set out and ready to put on. Set an alarm clock to go off early enough that there will be plenty of time to do the morning exercise routine without feeling too rushed.

Starting and sticking to a morning exercise routine can be a challenge, but turning it into an ingrained habit, something that gets done almost automatically at a given time, can make things much easier. Get up at the same time every morning, and follow the same pre-workout routine. Also follow the same routine after the workout, which might include taking a shower, eating breakfast, and preparing for work. Many people find that creating a reward for successfully sticking to a morning exercise routine for a certain period of time can also be beneficial.

It’s important to eat something both before and after doing a morning workout. Trying to workout on an empty stomach can be a miserable experience that, over time, can make someone lose the motivation to do morning workouts at all. Eating too much before a morning exercise routine, however, can make an individual feel heavy, weighed down and, in some cases, even nauseous. So, before a morning workout, try to eat something light that will keep the hunger pangs at bay. After the workout, indulge in a breakfast that’s filling but nutritious.