What are the Most Common Cat’s Claw Benefits?

The most common cat’s claw benefits include the anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties of the herb. It also is known for its ability to stimulate the immune system and accelerate the healing of wounds. A variety of health problems, diseases and conditions have been successfully treated with cat’s claw tea, which also can act as a nutritional supplement because the herb is rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are vital to the maintenance of good health.

Oxindole alkaloids found in cat’s claw bark and root have proven to be very beneficial in the stimulation of the immune system and in the inhibition of healthy cells from developing into cancerous ones. Cat’s claw benefits are of particular interest as an herbal supplement to people who have health problems and diseases such as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and cancer. Patients might use the herb as a nutritional supplement in conjunction with a traditional medical treatment or as part of an all-natural treatment plan consisting exclusively of alternative medicine.

Patients suffering from health conditions and diseases in which inflammation occurs, such as irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, gout and Crohn’s disease, also are interested in cat’s claw benefits because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Studies on the medicinal properties of cat’s claw continue to be conducted primarily in industrialized nations. Many residents of countries in Central and South America, such as Peru, are well aware of the benefits of this herb in the effective treatment of a wide variety of health problems, including life-threatening diseases and cancer.

Also on the list of cat’s claw benefits are its antiviral and antibacterial properties. These are of special interest when considering the replacement of chemical-based antibiotics with alternative medicine using all-natural antibiotics. A study of the antibacterial properties of cat’s claw was conducted among sufferers of Lyme disease, which is caused by bacteria and treated with prescription antibiotics. The study consisted of dividing the sufferers into two groups. One was treated with chemical antibiotics, and the other received cat’s claw extract.

The subjects who were treated with prescribed antibiotics experienced little improvement, All of the members of the group treated with cat’s claw showed remarkable improvement. Eighty-five percent of those members were found to be completely recovered after six months of treatment.