What is the Fit for Life Diet?

The Fit for Life diet comes from a book named Fit for Life, which was written by a couple named Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. The diet is a plan for weight loss and general good health that is based on avoiding combinations of certain types of foods. Its creators claim a person can lose weight without reducing the number of calories that he or she eats or exercising, as long as he or she does not combine certain foods.

The authors assert that people have trouble losing weight because they combine dead foods with live ones. Dead foods, which the creators say are meats and starches, work to clog a person’s body. Living foods, which are fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw, are said to cleanse the body. The authors also discuss enzymes in one version of the book, calling some foods enzyme deficient. They also state that enzymes capable of digesting proteins interfere with those that digest carbohydrates and vice versa.

In order to follow the Fit for Life diet, a person would need to consume only fruit and fruit juice until lunch time, or noon, each day. The diet also recommends eating fruit by itself, no matter what time of the day a person chooses to eat it. Fruit, the diet creators assert, works to cleanse the body, but not if it is combined with other types of foods.

At lunch and dinnertime, a person can enjoy two types of foods: either vegetables and carbohydrates or vegetables and proteins. According to the diet’s creators, dieters should never combine protein-rich foods with carbohydrates.

The dieter is also supposed to avoid dairy foods at all times. Even water makes the list of things to avoid, at least some of the time, since dieters are not supposed to drink it with their meals.

Some people say they’ve lost weight on the Fit for Life diet, though some in the health field dismiss it as unlikely to work. Health experts do say that the diet’s inclusion of plenty of fruits and vegetables is a good thing. The exclusion of dairy products, however, which contain a good deal of calcium, may make it difficult for some dieters to get enough of this mineral.