What is Suntheanine?

Suntheanine is Taiyo Kagaku’s patented name for the pure variety of L-theanine. L-theanine is an amino acid that is found in green tea. Research has shown that it is an offshoot of glutamic acid, a brain neurotransmitter. Suntheanine is believed to stimulate the brain’s alpha waves so that an alert, but relaxed mental and physical state is achieved. It has been added to energy drinks and placed in supplements to give people energy, yet relax them.

People who use Suntheanine believe that it can help them manage and reduce stress and anxiety. They claim that it helps them relax, but if taken in the appropriate doses, will not cause them to become drowsy. Some users believe that it helps them concentrate and makes them more mentally alert. There are even some claims that it works to lower cholesterol and support the body’s immune system. Most people report that they feel its effects within half an hour of its consumption.

There are several clinical research studies that suggest that Suntheanine may allow users to sleep better. Although it is made from green tea, the side effects from caffeine are reduced. Other studies suggest that it reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and lowers blood pressure as well.

The health benefits of drinking green tea have been studied and acknowledged for years. Although drinking green tea may offer many of the benefits of consuming Suntheanine, many green tea brands that are sold contain very little L-theanine. To find green tea that has more than 10 mg (1.2 oz) of L-theanine is difficult, especially in areas outside of China and Japan. As a result, those teas are quite expensive. People who market and sell Suntheanine claim that purchasing their product is far less expensive than purchasing green tea with high quantities of L-theanine.

Studies have shown that Suntheanine is safe for human consumption. Many stress reduction supplements cause users to become sleepy, but this formulation is believed to reduce stress without causing drowsiness. It can be found in tablet or capsule form or as an additive in many health drinks. Although most people claim to notice benefits from the supplement when they consume as little as 50 mg (6.1 oz.), adults are often recommended to take 100 to 400 mg (12.2 to 48.7 oz.). People who take more than 1000 mg of the supplement are advised not to operate machinery or drive a vehicle.

Although likely safe, a medical doctor should be consulted before consuming Suntheanine. Medical professionals should be informed if the supplement is part of a daily regimen. In addition, caution should be used if a woman is pregnant or breast feeding.