How do I Choose the Best Cardio Treadmill Workouts?

Treadmills have been available for decades as a form of physical fitness equipment. Some of the best cardio workouts can be completed on a treadmill. These devices have the option of both speed and incline adjustments, which make it possible to create a workout with good cardio-burning potential. The best cardio treadmill workouts are designed to entertain and stimulate the athlete. These include hills, speed, and distance training.

The treadmill is an exercise machine that simulates running by moving a large conveyor belt area under the athlete’s feet. This belt rotates based on the speed controls of the machine. Cardio treadmill workouts are designed to increase the speed of the conveyor belt, requiring the athlete to run faster.

A treadmill program is often considered boring because it is a repetitive stationary process. In an attempt to break the monotony of this activity, a treadmill interval program is considered one of the best cardio treadmill workouts. This program divides the exercise into stages of high intensity with medium intensity interval drills. Splitting a program into different intensity levels helps an individual keep focused throughout his routine.

Advanced treadmill routines should not be attempted by novice athletes because they stress the heart to extreme levels. When starting a treadmill program, it is important to become familiar with the basic mechanics and controls of the machine. This will help the athlete get the most out of his workout program. These controls are designed to manage the machine throughout the workout routine.

One of the key controls to learn on a treadmill machine is the emergency stop button. This safety switch will immediately end the exercise program. The stop button was created as a kill switch for an athlete in distress.

There are many advanced treadmill routines available today. Most treadmills have the ability to run programmed routines based on time and intensity levels. One of the best cardio routines is the random hill programmed routine. This program is considered one of the more difficult cardio treadmill workouts. The routine changes both the pace and incline level of the treadmill during the program.

Another version of extreme cardio treadmill workouts is the incline program. This program is designed to increase the incline of the conveyor belt area gradually throughout the program. This program simulates running on a mountain road. As the athlete progresses through the routine the incline continues to increase. This is one of the most difficult cardio programs available on the treadmill.