What is Avena Sativa?

Avena sativa is more widely known as oats or wild oats, a type of cereal grain. The grain grows in grass that reaches 2- to 4-feet (0.61 to 1.2 meters) tall. Cultivated annually, the edible portion is usually taken from the seeds and sometimes from the stems. Commonly eaten as oatmeal by humans or fed to livestock, avena sativa also has possible stimulation properties for both men and women. The supplement is usually taken for sexual enhancement, but oats may have more nutritional and health-related benefits as well.

The term “sow your wild oats” is derived from the understanding that avena sativa is considered both an aphrodisiac and a nerve restorative. Men may find that oats can help diminish the symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED) without the side effects of over-the-counter enhancement drugs. Women, too, could experience increased sexual desire as a result of taking avena sativa supplements. Furthermore, studies have suggested that females experiencing regular problems with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as painful cramps or mood swings, have found some relief by taking avena sativa. Some studies have suggested that the prostate in males, as well as other reproductive organs, could benefit overall by the intake of wild oats.

By regulating certain hormones, oats may also help treat anxiety and depression. If one has trouble sleeping due to an overall feeling of restlessness, avena sativa may remedy the problem. Oats have long been used in tonics advertised to soothe the nerves.

Oatmeal is a conventional meal for athletes and people looking to improve heart health or watch their weight. Avena sativa can help to lower high blood pressure by diminishing fats found in the bloodstream. As a food or supplement, oats have high levels of carbohydrates and fiber, which allow one to feel full for longer periods of time after a meal. Along with a substantial amount of iron, zinc and magnesium, oats may help fuel the body through workouts or raise energy levels throughout the day. Healthy skin, hair and bones could be further advantages to eating oats or taking avena sativa dietary supplements.

Manufacturers of the supplement claim a variety of other advantages, such as helping with detoxification, especially when trying to quit nicotine products. No studies have proven that the grain has substantial effects, and it is not been approved for use in treating disorders or illnesses. No side effects have been reported except by those who are gluten-intolerant. The supplement is considered safe to use even in conjunction with other medications and supplements; individuals should generally consult a doctor, however, when a new dietary supplement is undertaken.