What is a Fitness Singles Group?

A fitness singles group is a group of single people who gather together to engage in discussions about athletics or participate in fitness-related activities. It’s an opportunity to allow people who have a huge love of fitness to interact and find like-minded partners. The group often brings together individuals online and in person — some choose to participate solely online or in-person with the group while others do both. In person, there are physical activities including kickboxing and softball while online focuses mostly on fitness-related discussions.

A fitness singles group may gather often, in some cases several times a week, or may only have get-togethers once a month or less. Each gathering consists of participating in an individual activity, often while working together in small teams. The meetings are usually location-specific, either by city or state, in order to introduce singles who live near each other. However, they may also schedule day trips or vacations to travel to a different location for activities they cannot do in the area.

Those who participate in the online section of the fitness singles group will often have discussions about various physical activities and sports. This can include anything from watching them or participating in them, and, if it’s the latter, they’ll also discuss tips and techniques for improving performance. Those who prefer to participate in the online portion of the group may not participate in group activities and instead might choose to meet other singles from the group on a one-on-one basis.

Organizers of a fitness singles sports group, whether they are an organization or individuals, typically try to plan a variety of sports and activities to entice as many single fitness fans as possible. Some of the activities and sports that a group almost anywhere can do include kickboxing, bowling and cycling. Other options that may require traveling to a separate location include skiing, caving, surfing and whitewater rafting.

Those who join a fitness singles group are looking to meet other singles who are just as interested in fitness as they are. Typically, that means they are also looking for someone who is physically fit, likes to stay active and enjoys the same activities they do. For those who are passionate about fitness, it can be a huge asset to join a group where they can find friends, a partner, learn health and exercise tips and receive motivation.