What is the Shake Weight?

The Shake Weight is a device that is used for exercising the arms and shoulders. The device became popular through an advertising campaign on television, and has become one of the better selling pieces of workout equipment sold through such an advertising campaign, despite widespread ridicule of the commercials and the mixed reviews of the device’s effectiveness. The Shake Weight is a handheld weight, and the movement of the arms causes it to move continuously, providing resistance in two directions during the workout. Advertisers for the device claim that arms can be sculpted and toned just by doing a few minutes of exercise a day.

Many professionals in the physical fitness field decry the Shake Weight as a scam, while supporters claim the device does exactly what it is advertised to do. The device is intended to work the biceps and shoulders by continuously engaging the muscles in those areas of the body. While users often report feeling tired after working out, and having a feeling of fatigue due to exercise, some professionals argue the device does little or nothing to actually tone the arms and burn fat as the device advertises.

Others argue the Shake Weight is simply one exercise that should be included with other types of exercises designed to strengthen and tone the arms and shoulders. Supporters argue the device helps develop muscle fibers in the arms and shoulders, which may or may not be true. Combining the exercise with other exercises may produce results, but the exercise on its own may or may not be effective at all. Professionals argue that using dumbbells and other fitness equipment is much more effective than the Shake Weight, and any strength training exercises must be combined with other types of exercises if one wants to burn fat and build strength, as the device claims to do.

The Shake Weight became more popular for its advertising campaign than for any actual benefits one may reap from the device. The commercials, which mostly feature women, have been parodied on the internet and on television for the suggestive motion of the device and the perceived absurdity of the exercise. The advertising campaign was effective, however, and the device has been met with significant success. The relatively inexpensive device can be found in stores as a result of the order-by-phone sales success. The advertising campaign often focuses on the ease with which the device can be used, focusing on many people’s desires to avoid fitness centers and work out at home instead.