What is the Lemon Detox Diet?

The lemon detox diet is a type of detoxifying diet that aids in weight loss by ridding the colon of any buildup that may be preventing the body from performing at optimum levels. Sometimes referred to as a lemon cleanse, the lemon detox diet does not require and costly ingredients and can be used to supplement just about any sensible diet plan. Here is how the diet works and what type of health benefits are associated with this type of detox treatment.

The basic idea behind the lemon detox diet is that the colon all too often remains partially clogged with excess matter that is no longer of any use to the body. This is normally remnants of food that has been digested and the necessary nutrients extracted for use throughout the body. Because of the continued presence of this extra matter, the body’s natural cleansing system will not work as well at it should and can lead to weight gain and possibly hamper the function of other systems throughout the body. The lemon detox diet seeks to correct this situation.

All the ingredients that go into the specially prepared liquid for a lemon detox diet are found in most kitchens. By combining fresh juice from lemons, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper with water, it is possible to create a drink that can aid in digestion and flushing out toxins over the course of the day. Generally, it is recommended to drink in the range of sixty ounces per day of the lemon based liquid, usually in one to two sessions each day. Along with the lemon based drink, people are also expected to drink purified water throughout the day, as this further supports the process of flushing toxins out of the body.

Each of the ingredients used in the lemon detox diet play a special role in the function of the drink. The cayenne pepper contains trace amounts of a number of vitamins and nutrients that are good for the heart and nerves, and also aid in effective digestion. Lemon juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C and helps to support increased functionality of the bowels. Cayenne can also help to stimulate the metabolism, causing the toxins to flush through the system rather than lingering in the colon. Maple syrup provides a sweet taste to counterbalance the heat of the cayenne pepper and the tartness of the lemon juice, but it also helps to provide carbohydrates that can be converted into energy that is needed to fuel the body.

People who made use of the lemon detox diet to cleanse the body and lose weight have reported a number of additional benefits. An overall improvement in energy levels is common, as is skin that s more supple and healthy. Dull hair may take on a shiny and healthier appearance, while the fingernails grow stronger and less brittle. Many people who use the lemon detox diet from time to time also report that they are more alert and able to focus on specific tasks with greater levels of concentration.

While there appear to be a number of health benefits associated with the lemon detox diet, it is generally recommended to consult a healthcare physician before making use of this approach. This is especially important if there are underlying health issues that could impact the effectiveness of the diet plan, or if the individual is currently taking medication for a physical or mental ailment.