What Is an L-Seat?

An L-seat is an exercise borrowed from gymnastics that builds the body’s core strength and works the body’s triceps, often used by people practicing yoga, acrobatics, and muscle building. In this core exercise, the body is held in the shape of an “L” and is supported by the hands with the arms at the sides of the body and the legs parallel to the floor. L-seats are relatively advanced and require an intermediate to advanced core workout regime. This move can be practiced on the floor or with support, such as push-up stands or parallel bars. This exercise can be taken to the next level by adding moves or transitioning into new positions after the L-seat has been achieved.

As a static position, the L-seat is an effective triceps workout that also builds abdominal strength quickly and easily. A person achieves the L-seat from the floor by lifting the body off the ground using the hands with the palms flat on the ground and fingers pointing forward. The back and arms should be straight with the arms pinned to the side of the body. Alternately, the legs can be tucked in with the knees toward the chest. The ability to hold this tucked position determines whether or not a person can achieve an L-seat.

Once a person is comfortable holding the static tuck position for at least 15 seconds, it’s time to straighten one leg so that it’s at a 90-degree angle to the torso while keeping the other leg bent. Then, the other leg is slowly straightened so that both legs are parallel to the ground. The body should be suspended with only the hands touching the ground. At this point, gymnasts also point their toes. The L-seat can also be practiced with the hands grabbing the bars of push-up stands or parallel bars.

To increase the difficulty of the exercise and core workout, a person can support the body with only the fingers instead of the palms of the hands. Finger-tip push-ups can build strength in the fingers for this variation of the exercise. An advanced move is to try walking with the palms of the hands while in the L-seat position. People who have built up enough arm strength can also try moving the body from an L-seat into a tuck and then pressing up into a handstand while keeping the body off the floor.