How do I Tone Hips?

Hips are a frequent problem area for many women who are trying to get in shape and lose weight. It can be difficult to target and tone hips for various reasons, but primarily because that is one of the most common places for extra weight to settle. To tone hips, you will need to approach the problem from two different angles: aerobic exercise to lose weight, and strength training exercises to target the hips and tone the muscles there.

Aerobic exercise is the only real way to burn fat and tone hips that way. Aerobic exercise can consist of brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, or using any of the aerobic machines at a fitness center. You should try to get aerobic exercise approximately five days per week, for at least 30 minutes per session. Getting the heart rate up in this manner will help to eliminate extra fat that has settled around the hips.

Aside from basic aerobic exercises that tone the whole body, there is one popular fitness practice that can really help to tone the hips, and this is fitness hula hooping. There are a number of different styles of hula hoops designed for adults to use for exercise, some of which are weighted to make the exercise even more challenging. Hula hooping is a great aerobic exercise, and can help to strengthen abdominal muscles, whittle the waist, and tone hips.

In addition to your aerobic routine, there are a few toning exercises for the legs that can help to tone hips as well. Lunges and squats are some of the best and most popular choices for toning the hips; these can be done with or without hand weights. Calf raises may also help to tone the legs. In addition, leg raises while laying on the floor can really target the hips; try doing leg raises while face down, and then doing side leg raises on alternating sides.

Yoga and Pilates practices are also great ways to tone hips. These stretch and strengthen muscles throughout the whole body, and help to lengthen the hip flexor muscles, which can improve posture and reduce lower back pain. Though it may seem difficult to tone hips, with a combination of aerobic exercises, strength training, and stretching, it is entirely possible. Just remember to warm up before doing any sort of aerobic or strength training exercise to prevent injury.