Rosmarinic acid is a natural acid that is found in a variety of herbs, such as oregano and rosemary. It is often used as a food flavoring and preservative in many commercial products. Rosmarinic acid has antioxidant properties. It has also been suggested that it may help patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and also help to strengthen the memory in general.
As a polyphenol antioxidant, rosmarinic acid may help to reduce the damage that is caused by free radicals in the cells. Antioxidants also help to strengthen the body’s immune system, which can increase the body’s ability to fight infections and certain diseases. Studies have shown that rosmarinic acid may be particularly effective against peroxynitrites, oxidants that are believed to play a role in Alzheimer’s disease. Rosmarinic acid’s antioxidant abilities are considered to be stronger than those of vitamin E.
Research has also suggested that rosmarinic acid may help to prevent cancerous cells from multiplying in the body. It may also prevents these cancerous cells from binding with the cell’s DNA. This may help slow the spread of cancer throughout the body.
Since rosmarinic acid has been seen to increase circulation in the body, it might also be able to promote hair growth. It may also help to reduce the production of leukotriene B4, a chemical in the body that might cause hair loss. Rosmarinic acid may also help to keep the scalp moisturized.
Many aromatherapists may also use rosmarinic acid to treat conditions like stress and anxiety. It may also be used as a mood enhancer and also to alter pain perception. Studies have also shown that this natural acid may help to increase alertness in patients as well.
When rosmaric acid enters the body, it breaks down into various other forms, including ferulic acid and coumaric acid. Ferulic acid is an organic compound that is often used to manufacture various aromatic compounds. Coumaric acid may help to reduce stomach cancers.
It is believed that rosmarinic acid may help to reduce the effects of upper airway allergies like sinusitis and hay fever. It helps to reduce the infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes into the nostrils without any side effects. It also helps to reduce seasonal allergies by inhibiting eye-related symptoms in patients.
No severe side effects have been reported for rosmarinic acid. Since it is a herbal extract, it is generally considered to be natural and safe to use. To treat specific symptoms, an accurate dosage should be acquired from a healthcare practitioner.