What Are the Best Exercises for Flat Feet?

There are many different exercises for flat feet. They all work to build up and strengthen the inner muscles of the foot that are responsible for the arch. These exercises range from flexing the feet to moving and picking up objects with the feet to playing tug of war with a friend using only feet. Some instances of flat feet require surgery to correct, so be sure to talk to a doctor about any concerns.

One of the best exercises involves rolling a towel using only the toes. This exercise helps rebuild the muscles in the feet that are responsible for the foot arch. While sitting comfortably, with feet flat on the floor and knees at a 90-degree angle, place a thick towel in front of the feet so that both feet are fully on the towel. Using only the toes, roll the towel away from the body. For best results, repeat this exercise two or three times.

Exercises for flat feet can be very simple. One of these simple exercises is to sit with feet flat on the floor. Arch the feet by pulling the toes in toward the heels, raising the middle section of the feet off the floor. Another simple exercise can be done by crumpling a piece of cloth or tissue paper using only the toes. These exercise will help to build the muscles that create the natural foot arch.

Other exercises involve using the toes to move objects. Scatter some marbles on the floor and then pick them all up and put them back in the bowl or bucket they came in. Again, it is important to use only the feet. When all the marbles are returned, repeat using the other foot. A less messy alternative is to set a ruler or similar object on the floor and practice moving it around with the toes.

Some exercises for flat feet such as walking require extra support. Walking is a great way to exercise the whole body, but it can prove difficult and even painful for people with flat feet. Invest in some insoles to support the arch. There are a few insoles specially made for people with flat feet. Walking with this support is great exercise for the arch muscles in the feet and may even help bring back a natural arch.

More exercises for flat feet should be done while sitting on the floor. Lean back, with arms flat on the ground and behind the body and with the heels in front, also flat on the floor. Lift the hips off the ground, putting more weight on the heels. Once in this position, lift the front part of the feet off the ground, leaving only the heels and hands on the floor. This also stretches and works the arch muscles.

Another exercise for flat feet is to place the feet on the floor, holding the ankles. Make sure the heels remain touching and align the feet so they are facing opposite directions. Try to separate the toes as much as possible, while the little toes remain on the floor. This exercise can also be done, where the toes remain connected, while the heels are separated as far as possible.

Many of these exercises can be turned into games with a friend. A fun example is to play tug of war with a friend or pet using just the toes. Pass items back and forth with the toes to build foot muscle strength. Try timing how long it takes to pick up all the marbles with the feet and try to beat the best score.