How Do I Choose the Best Flip Flops for Men?

Flip flops have become a ubiquitous fashion accessory for both men and women in many parts of the world, but beyond fashion, flip flops for men can be functional and durable pieces of footwear. Choosing the best flip flops for men starts by determining how and when you intend to wear them. If, for example, you want flip flops for casual use around the house or during light excursions, you may want to place more emphasis on aesthetics rather than durability. If, however, you intend to do light hiking or walking off road, you may want to consider a more durable flip flop.

If you intend to wear flip flops for men to the beach or to any other location where water will be present, be sure to choose a material that will be resistant to water damage and mold. Leather is not a good choice for beach use, nor is any other natural material that is susceptible to mold build-up. Instead, look for flip flops for men that are made from synthetic materials such as certain types of rubber or polypropylene, as these materials will resist water damage and will not get waterlogged should you walk into the water.

Wearing flip flops for men is even possible when hiking, but an appropriate pair of flip flops will be necessary. Choose a pair with rugged soles that will resist wear and scuffing; the sole should also have an aggressive tread that will give you more purchase when climbing over rocks or other uneven surfaces. Flip flops will have a tendency to slide off the foot, especially when climbing up a slope, so if you intend to wear flip flops while walking or hiking off-road, it is a good idea to choose a pair that offers additional stability straps or supports.

For casual use, leather flip flops for men are attractive choices, though plenty of other materials are available. Try to choose a casual flip flop that will match or coordinate with the clothing you intend to wear; it is also a good idea to choose a flip flop that will match many outfits and occasions. Even though you will only be using this footwear for casual use, it is still important to choose flip flops that are well built and durable. The soles of the flip flops should be durable enough to resist easy scuffing and wear, but flexible enough to allow normal foot movement.