Fabric softener is a product used while laundering to make clothes soft and eliminate static cling. Depending on the brand one purchases, it can be added at the beginning of the laundry cycle at the same time detergent is dispensed or during the rinse cycle. It can also come in sheets to be placed in the dryer.
The benefits of using a fabric softener are many. For instance, it reduces static cling. After using it, socks don’t stick to sweaters when they’re taken out of the dryer and all who come in contact with you won’t receive an electric shock. It also reduces wrinkles in clothes. Some materials will still have to be ironed, but adding a little to your laundry will help reduce the amount of wrinkles your laundry usually has. Many busy housekeepers appreciate any time that can be saved on chores such as ironing.
Of course, fabric softener makes clothes feel better too. This is very apparent on laundry items such as towels and sheets, especially those that are hung outside. When this product isn’t used, these items tend to feel stiffer. Who doesn’t want to crawl between a nice soft set of sheets or dry off with a fluffy towel? The fabrics we use on a daily basis shouldn’t be abrasive.
Allergy prone people or those with sensitive skin may have problems using fabric softener. The allergic reaction might be due to the ingredients giving the product its fresh scent. If this is the case, a non-scented one might be preferable. There are also organic products on the market. If fabric softener simply cannot be used, vinegar can be added to the rinse cycle to make clothes softer and eliminate some of the static.
There is an assortment of fabric softener products on the market today. They come in many different sizes and price ranges. Many people have their favorites, but truthfully, one brand is not necessarily better than another. Choose the brand in your price range with a scent you enjoy, or no scent at all if that’s more to your liking.
Use trial and error to see if one brand works better for your family’s needs than another. You’ll find, in most cases, that brand doesn’t matter. The soft feel of your clothes and the elimination of static cling are what’s most important.