What Is a Pintuck?

A pintuck is a fold of fabric that has been stitched to hold it in place, much like a pleat. Pintucks give a decorative effect to the fabric, creating a visual line at a chosen point. They are often seen in vintage clothing, but they can be used to create a very modern look as well.

Usually, this type of fold is very narrow, although sometimes wider pintucks are used on pillows or upholstery. A wide pintuck can be folded flat against the base fabric. Typically each fold in a group is the same size, although a change in size can be used to create special visual effects. Pintucks are often spaced evenly across the fabric.

Pintucks are typically created in a group, with each tuck is parallel to next one. They are often placed on the bodice of a blouse or dress, where they usually have a vertical orientation. Another popular pattern is to place each pintuck so that the lines form a ray. Sometimes a single tuck is used to create a simple line, and that line can curve and wander randomly across the surface of the fabric, even crossing earlier lines.

A pintuck can be placed so that each end is enclosed in a seam, or it can be placed like a pleat so that one end is in the middle of the fabric. In that case, the pintuck must be tied off so that it will not come unstitched. A group of open-ended pintucks can control fullness in the finished object, just like a dart.

Although sewing machine attachments to assist in making even spaced tucks have been long available, the process has been made further easier today. Many contemporary sewing machines have a special foot that allows for better control of the width and spacing.