What Information Is Found in a Bank Financial Report?

In the US, a bank financial report prepared for the public generally contains different sections regarding the bank’s operations relating to financial performance. There is a letter from the bank chairperson or CEO to shareholders. Financial highlights and growth sections compare the bank’s economic growth to the previous year and the economic and business opportunities it is currently pursuing. The report includes the bank’s 10K statement, which contains its balance sheets for the year. A corporate section lists the bank’s executive officers and directors.

The chairperson’s letter to bank shareholders summarizes the bank’s financial performance for the year. It notes whether the bank’s stock prices rose or fell for the year and the growth percentages of bank stock. The letter includes the amount of dividends paid to shareholders and compares them to those paid in the previous year. It details any adverse effects of the economy on the bank and its plans for recovery.

Financial highlights include the bank’s revenues, net income, and dividends paid per share of stock. The bank’s assets are categorized under business and financial services, investment and management, and consumer and small business banking. These assets are then separated into categories of loans and leases, deposits, shareholder equity, and the value of market shares issued by the bank.

A growth statement section of the bank financial report sets out the ways in which the bank is growing financially. It includes new investment opportunities that are being pursued, expansion into other markets, and foreign investments. The growth statement also lists the types of business the bank is involved in, like small business and consumer banking. It catalogs bank services available, such as online banking, the number of ATM machines available to customers, and mortgage and home equity loans.

The 10K statement is a filing required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It is included in the bank financial report and contains much more detailed financial information than the financial overview. It includes all the bank’s financial statements and accounting firm reports. There is a statement of income and a balance sheet analysis.

An overview of economic conditions affecting the bank’s performance is also part of the 10K statement. It discusses economic influences on such things as interest rates, the real estate market, the rate of personal savings, and Federal Reserve rates. Information about bank matters such as contracts, legal documents, and lawsuits the bank is involved in are detailed in the statement.

Corporate information can be found in a bank financial report. The corporate section of the report lists all the bank’s financial officers, their titles, and the names of the board of directors. It contains information about the bank’s stocks and the time and place of the next annual shareholders meeting. The section also includes the location of the bank’s corporate headquarters, contact information, and instructions for requesting a written copy of the full report.