What is IPS?

IPS, or integrated power systems, is simply a method of ensuring that the power supply needed to keep a place of business functional in the event of a problem with the primary source of energy. With so many of our home and work environments dependent on a steady supply of power, it is no wonder that the concept of IPS has gone from being a good idea to an essential. Here is some background on the concept of IPS and how many companies choose to implement their backup power supply procedures these days.

IPS plans and procedures are nothing new. As far back as the 1940’s, manufacturing facilities relied on backup power stations that could be run with gas generators in the event of a massive power failure. Hospitals also have operated with a full-fledged disaster recovery program that would ensure power to all vital functions, such as oxygen for the patients and enough power to keep operating rooms going in a crisis.

What is different today is that IPS strategies have become more sophisticated as technology has improved and demand for more reliable IPS options has become necessary. Where once a gas generator would be needed to power a small power station, many organizations can now relay on compact battery backups as part of the IPS escalation procedures.

In telephony, everything from switch stations to bridging centers will utilize state of the art battery backup that can last for in excess of twelve hours before losing power. Many IPS plans will still incorporate generator backup as well, usually as a third alternative if it appears that battery backup is about to fail. More frequently, businesses are beginning to incorporate solar panels and battery storage as part of the overall IPS directives for the organization.

In years past, IPS plans did not have to be developed for many businesses, especially those that did not rely on electronic equipment to conduct business. However, just about every business utilizes computers and a wide range of devices that require a steady source of power in order to function. Organizations that at one time could continue to function in the face of a power outage, such as banks, grocery stores, and a number of retail outlets, must have some sort of power source in order to continue operations.

The loss of valuable data as a result of a complete shutdown in the face of a power outage could be devastating to any business. Preparing a workable IPS plan, including an escalation procedure for implementing the backup power sources, ensures that even in the face of a short-term problem with a node on the national power grid, life will go on as usual.