What are the Different Types of Excavating Companies?

Excavating is the process of removing dirt and debris from land through the use of heavy construction equipment and manual labor. There are many types of excavating companies that specialize in specific types of excavation. Some examples include dirt removal, road excavation, sewage excavation, and home foundation installation. Each type of company uses specific construction equipment that is designed to assist a particular excavation project.

Building a home foundation is a complex operation that requires experience and specialized training. Excavating companies that work on building foundations are typically general contractors. These crews understand the fundamentals for basic home design and the required footer excavation procedures for specific home types. This type of excavation requires a backhoe driver to dig the foundation footers.

Drain fields are another specialty for excavating companies. These are the sewage lines that are required for homes or building construction. Digging drain fields requires knowledge and training in land grading and sloping techniques. This is necessary to ensure the sewage system drains properly on the building lot.

Designing and building roadways is another example of excavating. Several excavating companies specialize in road development. These companies require special construction equipment to prepare and finish the road surfaces. Some examples include graders, rollers, asphalt machines, and heavy loaders. Each piece of equipment requires specific training and experience, which must be used to ensure a level road surface is created.

Many excavating companies specialize in tree removal and ground clearing activities. This is a form of excavating that uses heavy equipment to remove shrubs and logs from building lots. Most lot-clearing companies use loaders, dump trucks, and backhoes to remove the debris from land. They use this heavy equipment in conjunction with grader equipment to level the land after the trees have been removed.

Building a pond also requires excavation equipment. This is typically completed by companies familiar with ground erosion and water drainage techniques. Most man-made ponds use water from nearby streams, which makes them more suitable for natural habitat. The excavating company will normally build a small trench to pull water from the streams into the pond.
Laying water lines and gas pipes is another type of work performed by an excavation company. This requires special equipment designed to dig and lay long concrete piping material underground. Water and gas pipes are normally installed to serve most suburban cities and towns. This type of excavation provides heat and water to many households throughout the world.