What Is a 24VDC Solenoid?

A 24VDC solenoid is an electromagnetic actuator designed specifically to operate with a 24 -direct current (DC) power supply. These devices are used to supply remote or automatic activation or switching movement to a secondary mechanism. They generally consist of a static, wire-wound coil with a hollow core and a moving, spring-loaded ferrous metal plunger. The plunger is usually positioned so that its one end is either just inside or close to the opening of the coil core. When the solenoid coil is energized with a 24-volt DC current, the coil generates a strong magnetic force that pulls the plunger into the core, supplying the necessary actuation movement as it does.

The solenoid is one of the most common sources of remote or automated switching and activation motion. Part of the solenoid’s great attraction as an actuator is its inherent simplicity of construction and operation. Most solenoids consist only of a hollow cored wire coil and a spring-loaded steel plunger or armature. When the coil is energized by an electric current, a powerful magnetic field is generated around it pulling the plunger or armature towards the coil and activating the secondary device in the process. When the power to the coil is cut, the plunger spring pulls it back out of the coil core and resets the solenoid.

The 24VDC solenoid is one such device designed to operate with a specific power source, namely 24-volt DC. Direct current power supplies differ from the conventional alternating current (AC) power present in a wall socket in that they do not feature the characteristic AC polarity reversal cycle. Direct current power is generally available from a battery or from a rectified AC source. This means that some planning is necessary in terms of power supply when installing a 24VDC solenoid to ensure that a suitable supply is available.

Electromagnetic actuators such as the 24VDC solenoid tend to be a little simpler than those designed for AC or dual-power supplies. This is due to the fact that they do not suffer from the “chatter” their AC siblings do as a result of the 60-cycle polarity reversal. This negates the need for shading rings, making the DC solenoid less complex, quieter, and more efficient. Care should always be exercised when installing a 24VDC solenoid that the correct power supply class and voltage is used. An incorrect power supply may lead to overheating with the potential for damage or destruction of the solenoid.