What are the Different Types of Concrete Adhesive?

Projects involving concrete often require a strong bonding adhesive. Masonry bonding usually must be stronger than the typical glue or paste used in art projects, as it must bond well with both concrete and the material being attached to it. The different types of concrete adhesive vary according to what they are made of.
Many professionals involved in the construction industry use Liquid Nails®, which is adhesive that comes in a tube. There are several kinds of this adhesive on the market, a few of which are meant specifically to bond well with concrete. This type of concrete adhesive is purported to dry fast and be resistant to oil, water, and heat.

Epoxy is one material of which some masonry adhesive are made. This type of bonding adhesive is known by many for its durability and resistance to environmental or chemical damage. Since a lot of concrete is exposed to the outdoors or even harsh indoor environments like basements, durability is often a necessary characteristic of concrete adhesive.

Resin is another component found in many bonding adhesives. Most resin-based glues can dry quickly and endure plenty of weight without shrinking too much when dry. In fact, this type of concrete adhesive is often found on airport runways, highways, and parking structures. Clearly, heavy-duty projects often call for resin-based adhesive.

For most outdoor projects, mortar is typically ideal. Though there are now stronger products on the market, this kind of adhesive has been around for years. Replacing or reattaching bricks on a fence is just one example of a job that calls for this traditional concrete adhesive. Mortar is usually made up of lime, sand, water, and a few different types of cement, and it can usually be found in squeeze bottles, tubs, or tubes.

No matter what kind of adhesive is used, there generally are a few rules to remember when applying it. The surface should always be clean and free of debris. This might be difficult when outside, but even sweeping the area before applying the product is helpful. It also needs to be dry and not too cold or hot, as the bonding agent likely will not stick very well to such surfaces.

Depending on the type of adhesive chosen, it is typically easy to apply. Some come in tubes so that the user can simply squeeze the product onto the work surface. Others are stored in tubs or buckets, which usually come equipped with a trowel. No matter which type is selected, it is important to first read the directions that come with the product before using it.