What is the IEEE Computer Society?

Created to advance education and careers in computer technology, the IEEE, generally pronounced I-triple-E, Computer Society is one small part of a huge organization called the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The IEEE Computer Society division of IEEE offers classes, conferences, and publications designed to advance education about computers and develop the professional careers of those working in the field of computer technology. Founded in 1946, it is the largest society in the IEEE. The IEEE Computer Society has chapters and student groups dedicated to helping technology professionals network and coordinate projects.

The primary function of the IEEE Computer Society is to provide computer professionals with information and career resources that will assist in the advancement of their careers in the field. Part of this service includes programs designed to help train and certify computer professionals. The IEEE Computer Society is one of many organizations dedicated to the purpose of advancing computing information, education and use. Similar organizations to the IEEE Computer Society include the Computer Research Association (CRA) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Certifications offered by the IEEE Computer Society include the Certified Software Development Associate (CSDA) credential and the Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) credential. The CSDA credential is geared toward entry-level engineers or recent programming graduates seeking a certification to advance their careers. The CSDP is meant to help advance the careers of educated professionals with sufficient experience and a degree or CSDA.

A broad organization that handles many activities including technology education, professional development, and awards for achievements in technology, IEEE is primarily dedicated to advancing the use of technology for the benefit of humanity. This includes improving technology, making it more energy efficient, and minimizing its impact on the earth. The IEEE is made up of a series of groups including technological societies, councils, and working groups. It is the largest professional technology organization in the world. In addition to the IEEE Computer Society, the IEEE has 37 other technology-based societies using similar methods and groups to advance the use of different types of technology.

Members of the IEEE or an IEEE society pay yearly dues in exchange for access to discounts, information, and services offered by the organization. Paying members get access to a library of online content and receive two IEEE monthly magazines. Membership benefits also include conference registration discounts and volunteer and internship opportunities designed to help IEEE Computer Society members gain experience. The organization also offers resources for networking among members of the IEEE.