Who Has Greater Anxiety About Computers: Mac Users or PC Users?

A survey of 287 students showed that Mac users had significantly greater anxiety about computers than PC users. Perhaps it’s no surprise that Mac users are more leery — many purchase Macs because they are simpler to use, as opposed to PCs, which allows the user more control over the system. Stress over computers is not limited to Mac owners though — about 40% of Americans suffer from some form of “computer anxiety.”

More facts on Macs and PCs:

Despite the growing popularity of Macs, the top four computer brands in terms of sales are PC retailers: Dell, HP, Acer, and Toshiba.
The demographics of Mac users has radically changed since 2006, when it was estimated that about half of Mac users were over 55 years old. Today, most Mac users are under 35.
Gender-wise, Mac users are split 50-50. The same holds true for Dell, but 60% of Toshiba, Compaq, and Gateway users are female. The only big male-dominated brand is Acer, where only 35% of users are female.