What are the Best Tips for Banner Ad Design?

The best ideas for banner ad design will depend on the business or organization being promoted, ad space available, the overall theme of the website the banner is being displayed on, and how much the company can spend on creating the banner. Ideally, a professional designer and writer will be hired to contribute to the graphics and copy, but a professional looking banner can be done by anyone using photo editing software. There is no right or wrong way to create an ad banner, but some designs are more suited to some businesses than others.

Banner ad design can be complicated or simple depending on the purpose of the ad, the size and complexity of the graphic, and the company being advertised. Most Internet ads should be short and enticing. The goal is not to get the consumer to buy, but only to click on the link which will take him to another site. This requires the use of a strong headline and graphics to fit the overall message.

Those who don’t know how to write an effective headline may enlist the aid of a copywriter who is trained to write ad copy. If this is not within budget, there are books which can help business owners write their own ad copy. For banner ad design campaigns, copy should generally be no more than one or two lines at the most. It has to get right to the point and persuade the reader to visit the site being advertised.

Graphics used in a banner ad design can range from simple to elaborate. The type used will depend on the type of company placing the ad. For instance, bright colors and high resolution photographs are appropriate for some businesses, but simpler designs and logos are more appropriate for other businesses. The creator of the ad should always consider his audience first and foremost when designing, and the overall look and appearance should be designed to meet the preferences of that audience.

Professional graphics specialists can be of service with banner ad design as well, but there are programs which allow even beginners to create professional looking graphics. These programs can be expensive, so if one will not be designing additional ads in the future, hiring a designer may be cheaper in the long run. The appearance of the ad should also match with tone of the sites on which it will be placed. Flashing lights and bright colors may be ideal for a site aimed at young adults on a site about the nightlife in a certain city, but they would not be appropriate for a site about pregnancy complications.