What Are the Different Types of Poetry Software?

Types of poetry software include rhyming dictionaries, text editors with special organization features and software that generates portions of a poem or entire poems. Poetry writing software is generally most helpful in generating ideas or organizing material. True creativity usually still depends on the poet.
Certain versions of poetry software are made for specific computer operating systems, so it is important to choose the correct one. Software that works on a Windows system will not necessarily work on a Macintosh. Many poetry-writing software programs can be purchased online for an upfront fee. Others are free to use during a trial period, after which they must be bought. If the program is not bought by the time it expires, is will usually cease working.

One form of poetry software creates entire poems or verses with one click of a button. That is a pretty easy way to write a Haiku or limericks. The downside to this kind of software is that some of the poems it creates might not make sense.
Another form of poetry software allows the user to select choices such as adjectives, nouns, pronouns or numbers. These selections are then used to create a poem. The advantage is that the user has more control over the writing. Some people have written online poetry books using this kind of software.

If coming up with a rhyme is a challenge, one can try a rhyming dictionary. Rhyming dictionaries are available free online. Users can type in a word and get a list of words and phrases that rhyme. The results can range from helpful to humorous, but they all can be used to spark creative ideas.

More complex features are available with rhyming dictionary software that is purchased. For example, specifications can be made for the number of syllables and the number of letters in a rhyming word. Alternate pronunciations are available for words that are spelled the same but can have different meanings and pronunciations.

Similar to other artists, some poets like to collect words, phrases or descriptions and store them for later use. They also might have a portion of a poem finished but not be ready to complete it right away. Keeping track of all these can be a challenge if all the information is not kept in one place.

A poetry software program that allows the user to edit and track documents often works well for poets who have a lot of ideas but need help organizing their material. This kind of program also allows for outlining and has different editing modes. For example, the program can be set to block immediate editing and keep the writer moving forward, rather than making a lot of revisions and corrections while writing.
The more complex programs usually carry a larger price tag. Their complexity also means it can take some time to learn all of the features and how they work. In general, these types of programs also are more versatile and can be used for other forms of writing aside from poetry.