What Is Sociology of Globalization?

The sociology of globalization has many widespread implications. This term refers to the application of society to the broadening of worldly connections. Largely due to technology, the world has become “smaller” and more connected in many ways — this is the essence of globalization. Sociology refers to the social studies of groups of people. Applying the principles of sociology to the phenomenon of globalization equates to studying the changing social dynamics of people due to globalization.

In order to get a grasp on the sociology of globalization, it is very beneficial to understand each element. Globalization is the growing overlap of cultures. Historically, many cultures have been isolated in a number of ways. Many were isolated geographically and others in terms of beliefs and cultures. Most cultures or groups of people made little effort to cross certain barriers until recent times.

In recent years, advancements in transportation and technology have somewhat forced the clashing of people. No longer does it takes weeks or months to travel to other countries, nor is it impossible to contact someone on the other side of the world. Communication is virtually limitless, as is the potential for travel to different places. Not only have people become more interconnected in this sense, but countries are becoming more involved in interconnected trade and politics. This has created more of a global economy where the actions of one country drastically affect the others.

Popular culture in society has also been globalized. Some scholars studying the sociology of globalization might use this phenomena as their focus of study. Popular culture used to relatively isolate itself within a particular geographical region or culture, whereas today’s popular fads may now transcend national borders.

The sociology of globalization is important for many reasons. Like most sciences, many professionals working in the field of sociology of globalization are simply seeking new information. This information is practical as it provides insight into the dynamic social norms of today’s society. As people around the world become ever-increasingly involved with each other, new behaviors and implications will arise. Some of these implications may be positive, although the negative effects of social globalization will most likely continue to present themselves too.

The more we know about how people will interact as globalization intensifies, the better prepared societies may be to combat the negative effects and embrace the good. Governments, for example, can use these principles to better govern their people, and leaders may be more equipped with the skills needed to negotiate with others. These are two of the many examples of why studying this science is so very important in the modern age.